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Ian Harvey from Civic Voice announces ‘Community Planning Forum’ as part of campaign for a greater voice for communities in planning

By July 16, 2019No Comments

Ian Harvey, Executive Director at Civic Voice, has announced that the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Civic Societies is establishing a ‘Community Planning Forum’ – an independent cross-party group to look at what a ‘meaningful voice for communities in the planning system should look like’. The forum will call on developers to share their approach to community engagement, and ask local authorities about innovative schemes in their area.

“We need early and more meaningful participation in the planning system.” Ian Harvey, Civic Voice

The APPG will promote a ‘carrot and stick’ approach to changing the behaviour of local authorities and developers and will look for evidence and examples to demonstrate that it ‘pays’ for developers to engage earlier with communities. Civic Voice believe that front-loading public participation can lead to higher quality developments.

Against this background, the new Community Planning Forum will bring together community representatives, campaigners, developers, planners and politicians to discuss how to address public concerns about new development, promote better practice by planners and developers and foster more constructive relations overall. The first, invitation only meeting, will be held in September.

Civic Voice will act as the Secretariat to this group. For more information please contact

Below Image: Civic Voice Publication “Collaborative Planning for All” which can be downloaded here.