In a recent article in Town & Country Planning magazine (TCPA, July 2018) Ying Ying Tian, Director of the China Design Centre, describes how China and the UK face similar challenges in identifying the right places to build while striking a balance between urban and rural landscapes. The article offers key learning points from a 2017 study tour of five UK towns with two groups of senior managers from Greentown China and Bluetown Group – sister companies which are currently building 30 new towns in China. Ying distils the learning points, not as a replicable model of English towns, but as a series of ideas on time, stewardship, systemic thinking and management.
The China Design Centre (CDC) is a dedicated platform between China and the UK to promote design and innovation exchange. You can learn more about Ying and the CDC at
Thank you to the TCPA for permission to share this article. Click image to read article: