During 2017 a specialist team from the University of Dundee (led by Dr. Husam AlWaer), Eclipse Research and Kevin Murray Associates, supported by the Scottish Government, undertook ground-breaking research into ‘the facilitation of participatory placemaking’.
Dr. Husam AlWaer said,
“The publication of the resulting report – ‘‘Shaping better places together” – marks what we believe is a first attempt to investigate the role and significance of facilitators in participatory community design processes. The topic is highly relevant, given the increasing application of participatory and community design events in Scotland and beyond, along with the use of engagement tools such as the Place Standard Tool.
This research provides an important scoping of the many components and steps involved. Its findings will aid understanding and ultimately enhance the output performance of community charrettes and similar participatory design processes.
The research should give confidence to professional facilitators, local authorities, local communities and the development industry active in collaborative processes, underpinning the investment in skills and expertise of appropriate facilitators.”
For the full report and Executive Summary visit: